We are pleased to announce that on 6 December 2017, GET FiT Zambia became the official implementation program for the Zambian Renewable Energy Feed-in Tariff (REFiT) Strategy.
The REFiT Strategy was approved by the Zambian cabinet in July and formally launched by the Ministry of Energy in October. The REFiT Strategy provides an allocation of 200 MW for smallto medium-scale projects with a maximum size of 20 MW, to be procured over a period of three years. Eligible technologies include hydro, solar PV, geothermal, biomass, waste energy, and wind power.
Water flows from down the escarpment from the Mutinondo Wilderness into South Luangwa National Park in remote Zambia. Shot of a row of solar panels basking in the sun to generate electricity for the nearby holiday resort
The REFiT Strategy specifically allocates 100 MW for hydro projects. And in November, the Ministry of Energy approved Round 1 of the GET FiT Zambia programme, a solar PV tender of up to 100 MW. In line with the REFiT Strategy, the maximum project size will be 20MW. This tender will be run as a two-stage, sealed-bid auction, and applicants will be free to select project sites subject to grid constraints to be disclosed in a subsequent memo and on the GET FiT Zambia website.
Prior to initiating the Request for Qualification stage of the solar PV tender, GET FiT Zambia and partners in the Ministry of Energy will host a private sector workshop in Lusaka. The date and location of this workshop will also be posted on the GET FiT Zambia website. We look forward to working with you as we work together to implement Zambia’s REFiT Strategy.