The GET FiT Programme is executed by the Zambian Ministry of Energy and implemented by the German development bank KfW. Programme funding is provided by the German government.
In addition, a multitude of Zambian stakeholders such as ERB, ZESCO and OPPPI are involved in the Programme. In partnering with Zambian stakeholders, GET FiT Zambia also strives to boost institutional capacity and strengthen the policy and regulatory framework for renewable energy IPPs in Zambia. Other cooperating international organizations include the African Development Bank, and Africa Trade Insurance.
We continue to build on the achievements of GET FiT Uganda and other renewable energy programs across Sub-Saharan Africa in an effort to spur innovation and project development in Zambia’s burgeoning small- and medium-scale renewables sector.

Ministry of Energy
The program is a partnership between the Government of the Republic of Zambia and the Federal Republic of Germany. The Ministry of Energy is responsible for executing the program on behalf of the Government of Zambia.
Ministry of Energy website

KfW’s funding to the Zambian energy sector aims to expand and improve infrastructure for electricity generation. KfW has been helping the German Federal Government to achieve its goals in development policy and international development cooperation for more than 50 years. Strengthening the development capacity of African states, and mitigating climate change worldwide, are both priorities for German Development Cooperation.
KfW Website

German Cooperation
The German Federal Government, and primarily the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), facilitate programmes and projects in developing countries and emerging economies – from their conception and execution to monitoring their success. Many of these programmes and projects are financed and supported through KfW. The BMZ is currently supporting projects in 42 partner countries that are designed to disseminate renewable energies.
BMZ Website

Energy Regulation Board
The Energy Regulation Board (ERB) has the responsibility to ensure that utilities earn a reasonable rate of return on their investments that is necessary to provide a quality service at affordable prices to the consumer. In order to carry out this role, the ERB, among other functions, ensures that all energy utilities in the sector are licensed, monitors levels and structures of competition, investigates and remedies consumer complaints. The ERB was tasked with the responsibility to determine REFiTs to be used in the programme.
ERB Website

ZESCO Limited is a vertically integrated electricity utility, which generates, transmits, distributes and supplies electricity in Zambia. It is a public utility, with the Government of the Republic of Zambia being a sole shareholder. ZESCO is the main off-taker in the GET FiT Zambia programme.
ZESCO Website

The African Development Bank Group
In addition to key Zambian stakeholders, GET FiT Zambia partnered with African Development Bank in preparing to launch the program. The overarching objective of the African Development Bank (AfDB) Group is to spur sustainable economic development and social progress in its regional member countries (RMCs), thus contributing to poverty reduction.
AfDB Wesbite

African Trade Insurance Agency
With the support of KfW, African Trade Insurance (ATI) developed the Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF). The RLSF is designed to help independent power producers (IPPs) developing renewable energy projects in Africa to obtain the liquidity they need in the event that their off-taker delays payment.
ATI Website